Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What You Mean To Me

Wow. As I reread this poem in Word as I was getting ready to post it, I became scared. I hurt myself by hurting someone else. And I hurt that someone else by almost hurting myself. Being reminded of this time in my life always hits a sore spot, but looking back, I have no regrets. I believe that everything that I have done and gone through in my life has made me the person I am today. I am happy with that person, so I have nothing that I would change.

What You Mean To Me
1:42 am

      It’s okay by me if you
Just stab me with
A dull pair of craft scissors.
      It’s okay by me if you
Submerge me in water
Then throw in the hair dryer.
      It’s okay by me if you
Push me into
A highway of speeding cars.
      It’s okay by me if you
Shove tons of pain killers
Deep down into my throat.
      It’s okay by me if you
Froze me into
A dark lifeless meat locker
      It’s okay by me if you
Strangle me with
My phone charger,
And hang me in
A tree for all to see.
      Its okay by me if you kill me
But why don’t you save yourself the effort?

Just look me in the eyes and tell me
You’re disappointed.

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